"Living through a lifetime or a century of years does not help us to eternity; for time alone does not enlighten us. One day of insight can carry us forward to that eternal life we seek."
--Rabbi Lionel Blue (1930-2016)
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and fulfilling new year from the Liberal Jewish Fellowship-Havurat Lev Hadash.
High Holy Days Schedule (no tickets or reservations necessary):
Friday, September 15, 6:30: Rosh Hashanah Evening Service (Kiddush will follow)
Saturday, September 16, 11:00: Rosh Hashanah Morning Service (Kiddush lunch will follow)
Sunday, September 24, 6:30: Yom Kippur Evening Service
Monday, September 25, 11:00: Yom Kippur Morning and Additional Services
Monday, September 25, 5:30: Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor, and Concluding Services (Concluding meal will follow)
We are located at 425 Cushing Street, South Bend, IN 46616.
Rabbi Joshua Rubin
Liberal Jewish Fellowship