An update on the status of Temple Beth-El
Cathy Blum, President of Temple Beth-El, shares remarks
The following is an update of Temple Beth-El’s move into the future. Since we all are looking ahead at options for change, I wanted to describe what we have done and what we still have to do.
From November 18, 2022 through March 24, 2023 (four short months), we showed the building to an interested buyer, negotiated a sales contract, found a temporary location for offices and storage space, arranged to move the Berman Brenner sculptures to the Federation, agreed on arrangements with the Federation to hold our Shabbat services there, as well as other larger functions, closed on the sale of the building, signed the lease, signed agreements, contracted a mover, sorted and labeled everything in the building, moved what we wanted to keep and actually opened the office at 2955 McKinley Ave, South Bend!
We are on the move, stopping in our temporary office and storage space while we continue to gather information, have congregational discussions, and participate in future task force meetings with Sinai Synagogue and the Jewish Federation. Our vision of our permanent home is forming, although still hazy, as we review our many options. Temple Beth-El leadership agreed to slow down our planning for a few months as Sinai Synagogue begins their process of exploring their future options. We are looking forward to hearing Sinai Synagogue’s thoughts about their future at the end of the summer and continuing to explore Temple Beth-El’s future planning. Many questions still cannot be answered at this time: Will we buy a building to renovate? Will we build a new building? Where? Will we share a building with Sinai Synagogue? With another entity? What will the role of the Jewish Federation be in this process? No one has the answers to these questions today.
But one answer has been determined - Temple Beth-El will continue as the Reform Congregation in Michiana. We are certainly not closing down, but rather we are simply relocating.
Cathy Blum
President, Temple Beth-El